Sunday, October 10, 2010

All Over! ...Again

Well this is the end of a kick ass trek. But we're seemingly stuck at the end...with flight problems...again. Lukla airport is socked in with cloud and all flights delayed, so Lukla is accumulating angry backpackers itching to get back to Kathmandu and catch their flights back home. Luckily we're early and have some leeway. Once I get back to Kathmandu I'll post a detailed description of my trek, but for now I'm stuck safely in limbo.

Now I should get off this internet, it's ultra slow, and at 10 rupees a minute, I can't type much.


  1. it is sooo good to hear from you bud!! I hope you get a good safe flight out of Lukla and can't wait to hear all about it!!!!!

  2. Welcome back, can't wait to see your pictures!

  3. glad to hear you are safe and sound, albeit stuck. but stranded backpackers might turn out to be more fun then you think ;)

    Happy thanksgiving bro! go find something bird like to eat!

  4. Great to have you back. I was starting to go through withdrawal not seeing your blog updates.

  5. Welcome back, we missed you can't wait to read all about your hike and see pictures
