That same guy has also been a huge wealth of information for me the past few days. His name is Jacob and he's a photographer from the US that's been traveling abroad for the past couple years. His main area of photographic expertise is shooting models, something I want to get into soon. All the talking with him the past few days and seeing how much better his pictures turn out with a prime lens, it lead me out to the Wanchai Computer Mall today to look at some. I walked away spending almost $1100 and two lenses more toward being a professional photographer. My justifications were that Hong Kong is the cheapest place in the world to get camera equipment (the lenses were each around $150 cheaper than at home), I'm thinking of trying to shoot some models when I get to Australia and buying a lens there would cost me more, and all the photographic magic that is awaiting me in Papua New Guinea begs to be captured with the right equipment, and I'm thinking I might be able to make that back on a company I just invested in. And my birthday is coming up....In two and a half months. Convinced?
After all this wallet-killing I headed across the river to the site of where last night I accomplished a life goal of getting a picture of the Hong Kong skyline from Kowloon. Ever since I saw a picture of this famous skyline, I knew I had to see and photograph it for myself. And I did, during the worlds largest daily light show, which is put on from Hong Kong island. Today, however, I was there to see some of the museums, which are free on Wednesdays. I hit up the Cultural History Exhibit, which shows the archaeological history of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Space Museuem, where I saw a cool IMAX movie about the Hubble Telescope. And tonight I might sample the local night life again, one last time before I depart on Saturday.
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