The Lod caves were amazing, the biggest caves I've ever been in in my life. There were amazing stalagmite and stalagtite formations, and massive cathedral like crystal formations, all made more beautiful by the soft kerosene lantern our guide was leading us with. Some of the caves even had an ancient burial area inside, with old wooden coffins scattered around the tomb. The tour included a ride up through the caves on a bamboo raft, with a ton of huge fish following us, begging for food. All in all, a great day, one that will go down in the books as one of the coolest natural things I've seen in Thailand so far.
This is nearly the end of my Thailand adventure; I'm going to spend today tubing down the river in town with some friends, then catch my bus at 8pm to the border, where I'll cross into Laos tomorrow morning to start a new adventure. Stay tuned for more.
Wow, that looks like it must have been awesome to see, how cool!!